Poor Wayfaring Man
In the previous post, I focused on the fact that 12 year-old young women in the Church are taught, in YW Lesson Manual 1, Lesson 5, to find joy in their mysterious “divine potential”. It is mysterious because Lesson 5, despite using the term repeatedly, never reveals exactly what that “divine potential” is. The mystery is rendered non-mysterious and solved, however, by reading through the group of lessons in the manual that follow Lesson 5. Lessons 6 – 8 seem to flesh out the concept that Lesson 5 merely hints about. Here is the whole group of lessons, in summary form: Continue reading
4 comments | tags: Conformity, General Conference, LDS Church Sunday curriculum, LDS morals and ethics, LDS Social Circles, LDS social pressure, obedience, orthodoxy enforcement, Quentin L. Cook, sexism, Young Women organization, youth in the Church | posted in List Item 03, List Item 04, List Item 10, List Item 12, List Item 13, List Item 16, List Item 22, List Item 24, Mormon Culture, Mormon Stories
Poor Wayfaring Man
The LDS Church has developed gender-segregated youth programs to educate and socialize (read: indoctrinate) boys and girls in the Church as they reach adolescence and grow into adulthood. The programs start when they reach age 12 and generally end at age 19, at which point they join the gender-segregated adult programs. The girls’ program is called the “Young Women organization“, and the boys’ program is called the “Aaronic Priesthood“. Continue reading
no comments | tags: Aaronic Priesthood, Conformity, gender, indoctrination, LDS Church Sunday curriculum, LDS gender roles, LDS morals and ethics, LDS Social Circles, LDS social pressure, LDS spirituality, Mormon Doctrine, priesthood authority, rites of passage, socialization, Young Women organization, youth in the Church | posted in List Item 12, List Item 13, List Item 22, List Item 23, List Item 24, Mormon Culture, Mormon Doctrine